Luca’s rhetorical repetition of a key phrase in this speech is completely lost in the official localization. I did my best to restore it. This text has spoilers for Cloche’s Cosmosphere.
Luca(0) :26:26: JP::貴方自身が『ルカ』や民衆を疑うのは、 貴方が自分に自信がないから。 EN::The reason why you doubt "Luca" and the civilians is because you have no self confidence. NEW:You yourself mistrust "Luca" and the citizenry because you have no confidence. Luca(0) :27:27: JP::貴方自身が、彼女に劣等感を抱いているから。 EN::It's because you don't believe in yourself. NEW:You yourself harbor feelings of inferiority to her. Luca(0) :28:28: JP::貴方自身が、御子じゃないと思っているから。 EN::It's because you think you're not the Maiden. NEW:You yourself think you are not the Maiden.