
Luca’s rhetorical repetition of a key phrase in this speech is completely lost in the official localization. I did my best to restore it. This text has spoilers for Cloche’s Cosmosphere.

Luca(0) :26:26: 
EN::The reason why you doubt "Luca" and the 
civilians is because you have no self confidence.
NEW:You yourself mistrust "Luca" and the 
citizenry because you have no confidence.

Luca(0) :27:27: 
EN::It's because you don't believe in yourself.
NEW:You yourself harbor feelings of inferiority to her.

Luca(0) :28:28: 
EN::It's because you think you're not the Maiden.
NEW:You yourself think you are not the Maiden.

Truly impressive

I keep rereading this official localization to make sure it’s as confused as I think it is. It’s a miniature masterpiece of nonsense.

Luca(0) :24:24: 
EN::You're the one who doesn't approve of you the
most out of anyone in this world is yourself!
NEW:In this world, the one who most vehemently 
denies that you are the Maiden... is you!


Croix(3) :1:1:
EN::I'm looking for Cloche.
Have you seen her?
NEW:I'm looking for Luca.
Have you seen her?


A defining idiosyncracy of the character Infel is that she tends to make abysmal puns, usually at the worst possible moments. As I translate Cloche’s Cosmosphere, I’ve been having a lot of fun coming up with English puns that are similar in meaning and in groan-inducement to the originals.

Of course, it’s disappointing that the official localization seems to miss that they’re jokes at all, or just gives up on trying to localize them as jokes. This drains a lot of Infel’s personality. It also creates strange situations, where Infel says something completely normal, and Croix responds with an awkward silence and then “this is not a time for joking around…”

I would like to post up my joke-alizations, but I don’t want to give away their awfulness before you get a chance to hear them in the game. 😀

Inverted meaning of the day

Luca(0) :44:44: 
EN::She promised to stay with me,
and gave me her position in exchange for her freedom.
NEW:She gave up her freedom to me,
in order to be with me and to take the role of Maiden.

Needlessly Demeaning Lines

This was discovered by one of our translators, Kensou.

Reish(151) :52:52:
EN::Bring it on, Mitsubiyotchi!
NEW:All right, show me what you've got!

We think this kind of clumsy, crass humor doesn’t fit the spirit of the game at all. Wouldn’t we have bought the heartfelt story that was there in the first place?

New Forum

I have just started installing a new forum in case weezy’s doesn’t come back. It should appear here shortly:


I have to get to work, but I’ll check up on it as soon as I can. This is my own paid hosting space, so hopefully we should be at less of a risk that someone is going to dislike what we do there. Even so, let’s be careful about what we post for the time being, until I can secure a members-only area for the project.

Update: It turns out the whole thing was an ill-advised April Fool’s joke. Well, I’ve got this new forum anyway. It’s in Vanilla this time, because phpBB was perturbing my user-experience-designer side:


Current Translation Report

aquagon from the translation team here!

And I’m pleased to announce that Phase 1 (the longest of the 5 phases the game has), has been translated completely!

Still, that doesn’t mean the translation is nearing its end, given that these translated scripts need to be checked and edited, and there is still a lot of material still to be translated (cosmospheres, menu texts, synthesis conversation, among others), but we hope to progress as quickly as we can.

And about the translation,I have found something curious in the later scenes of Phase 1:

More than once, the characters call the land created by Metafalica “Gaea” in the localized version, when in the original one, they called it simply “大陸” (land or continent), and the equivalent JP term for Gaea (魔大陸, which means “Demon/Magical/Mystical Continent”) doesn’t actually appear until much, much later. For example:

Croix(3) :49:49:
EN::I’ll go up into Gaea, and see what’
s going on.
NEW:I’ll go up into the continent, and
see what’s going on.

I would call it somewhat spoilerish…